P.F Strawson
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024, 10:51 AM
The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson
(Volume XXVI, 1998)
P.F. (now Sir Peter) Strawson has been a leading figure of analytic philosophy, both in its "ordinary language" period, and in its subsequent phase, which he helped to initiate, of renewed grappling with perennial metaphysical problems. He became prominent for several brilliant early articles, such as "Truth" (1949) and "On Referring" (1950). His subsequent books, especially Individuals (1959) and The Bounds of Sense (1966), confirmed his reputation as one of the handful of most acute of living philosophical intellects. While firmly in the analytic tradition founded by Russell and Moore, he has learned from many sources; he views Aristotle and Kant as the greatest of philosophers.
Table of Contents
P.F. Strawson: Intellectual Autobiography
P.F. Strawson
(Replies follow essays)
Ruth Millikan: Proper Function and Convention in Speech Acts
Susan Haack: Between the Scylla of Scientism and the Charybdis of Apriorism
E. M. Adams: On the Possibility of a Unified Worldview
Panayot Butchvarov: The Relativity of "Really's"
Richard Behling: Two Kinds of Logic?
John McDowell: Referring to Oneself
Simon Blackburn: Relativization and Truth
Tadeusz Szubka: Strawson and Anti-Realism
David Haight: Reference and Reality
Joseph Wu: P. F. Strawson's Criticism of Formal Logic
Andrew Black: Naturalism and Cartesian Skepticism
David Pears: Strawson on Freedom and Resentment
Robert Boyd: Strawson on Induction
Hilary Putnam: Strawson and Skepticism
Paul Snowdon: Strawson on the Concept of Perception
Arindam Chakrabarti: Experience, Concept-Possession and Knowledge of a Language
Wenceslao Gonzalez: Strawson's Moderate Empiricism: The Philosophical Basis of His Approach in the Theory of Knowledge
Ernest Sosa: Strawson's Epistemological Naturalism
Chung M. Tse: Strawson's Metaphysical Theory of Subject and Predicate
Bibliography of P. F. Strawson